Growing fruits and vegetables since 1975


Rising Sun Farm and Orchard is a certified organic, diversified family farm located in the St. Croix River valley of Western Wisconsin. We take pride in providing our community with healthy, nutrient dense food as well as being good stewards to the land. We care deeply for the plants, animals, and people on our farm. We are happy to share this beautiful land with family and friends. We hope to see you on the farm too. Thank you for supporting local agriculture.

Our farm sits on the ancestral lands of the Anishinaabe and the Dakota Nations and Tribal Communities.

Your farmers,

Lindsey, Ryan, and Tillia

Our farm store is always open for self service.

Our self serve farm store is open with syrup, veggies, and pork.

We are no longer offering CSA.

You can find our products at Whole Earth Co-op, Hudson Co-op, and our farm store.

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